630+ MILES and 35,000+ ft OVER 7 DAYS

Director Sportif – William Chang
Producers – John Solomon, Molly Griffin & Jeff O’Keefe

This ’Core Four’ above have a combined 33 Tours of experience between them so you will be in great hands.

Creative Director – Jason Stinsmuehlen
Kit Producer – Tara DeMarco
Crew Producer – Bryan Diel

If you are interested in riding with the Fireflies and can fulfill Will’s pledge from his letter above, please fill in the form below:

How do we choose Riders?

It's kind of complicated. We aim to create a mixed group of riders who center on the advertising industries. Below are some of the questions we have heard and some of the answers we give:

  • We try and aim for a 50% returning veterans to 50% new riders ratio. The veterans help with guiding the virgins on the road and throughout the long days and the virgins keep the veterans in line and help spread the Fireflies spirit.

  • The Fireflies are a global family so we try to include a handful of European or international Fireflies as they like to include some West Coast veterans on their tours. And now with the amazing Patagonia being so established we love to have a few of our Southern American sisters and brother join us in California too.

  • While we are mostly centered on our industry of advertising and the supporting marketing disciplines but we also like to include some riders from the 'outside world'. It keeps the conversation interesting

  • On average we have about 10-15 female riders every year but we would love more. Ideally we would have an equal split of genders but we don't get as many applications from women - please let your female friends and colleagues know about us as they have a great chance of being selected.